Family Engagement

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Family involvement is key to student success. Yet, engaging families in school life requires more than sending home PTA meeting invitations or flyers describing the programs you offer. Family members need to be engaged in meaningful ways that address their actual needs and establish them as partners who have important contributions to offer.

Our online course offers a number of ideas for engaging families, such as providing a variety of volunteer opportunities and encouraging parents to be part of the school’s decision making. When families trust the school staff and administration and believe that these people genuinely care about their child, they can become critical partners in finding solutions for student needs.

Explore our Real Stories to find out how other communities have effectively engaged and involved parents and families.


  • Costa Mesa parents receiving a certificate for participating in Parenting Wisely

    Newport-Mesa’s parenting program has student outcomes of reduced truancy and discipline, and increased attendance and achievement.

    Newport-Mesa Unified School District, California
  • Donna, Texas recognizes family engagement and parent education as key strategies for addressing the challenges in their community.

    Donna Independent School District, Texas
  • Logo of the Alhambra Unified School District

    Parent Advisory Board becomes the Gateway to Success for Alhambra’s Students.

    Alhambra Unified School District, California