
Our Interactive Course
Dealing with school discipline issues can be challenging and frustrating. You need to balance creating a supportive, orderly learning environment with assigning reasonable consequences for misbehavior in ways that keep students in class and engaged in learning. When considering school discipline, you may find yourself asking a number of questions, for example:
  • What do I do when policies dictate consequences that exacerbate the situation? 
  • What’s the best way to hold students to high expectations and help them learn from their missteps? 
  • How can I address the root causes that contribute to student misbehavior and are barriers to student success? 
  • How can I intervene earlier to get students on a pathway to success rather than one of disengagement and school failure?  
Regardless of the discipline challenges you face or the student population you serve, our interactive, self-paced Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders can help guide you to create an environment where students can learn and thrive.
In this course, you’ll learn to apply the principles of Positive School Discipline to a representative school. You will:
  • Participate in skill-building activities, such as interpreting discipline and school climate data, rewriting punitive discipline policies to make them supportive, and reviewing a resource map of current discipline-related activities to identify gaps 
  • Hear from communities across the country that have turned their schools around
  • Explore five key strategies that will enable you to create a Positive School Discipline climate in your school  
  • Learn to use our Comprehensive Positive School Discipline Framework to plan a systemic approach at all levels, from the classroom to the community, using all the resources at your disposal—which will help you bring stakeholders in your community together to create a climate where students can thrive both academically and socially
The Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders is free of charge. To learn more about the course, visit Take the Course. To learn more about taking this course as a team, visit Team User’s Guide.