Take the Course

The Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders consists of six sequential modules that teach participants a Framework for Comprehensive Positive School Discipline. Each module provides skill-based interactions, examples, Real Stories of communities that have implemented Positive School Discipline, and resources to help you use the Comprehensive Positive School Discipline Framework in your own environment.

Course Modules

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You will begin by assessing your beliefs about discipline and then learn what the research says about the effectiveness and consequences of varying discipline practices. You will explore the underlying issues that contribute to discipline challenges for an elementary, middle, and high school student. You will then be introduced to the Framework for Comprehensive Positive School Discipline, comprising both a process and strategies to help you address discipline challenges.

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The challenge: disproportionate suspension rates in the representative Castle Hill School District. Your first task is to learn more about this discipline challenge, including how it affects the entire community. You will then begin to use the Framework for Comprehensive Positive School Discipline to help address this discipline challenge throughout the course.

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You will discover how solutions to the underlying issues that contribute to suspensions require the involvement of a variety of Castle Hill community stakeholders. You will learn how to identify appropriate partners and then engage them in creating a multipronged strategy.
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You will learn which essential questions to consider as you collect and examine data. You will then analyze a variety of discipline and school climate data related to the Castle Hill suspension challenge. Using a map of the current discipline-related activities in the Castle Hill District, you will identify duplications and gaps that need to be addressed.
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You will learn about the basic elements of a Positive School Discipline plan and use Castle Hill district data to develop a plan for Castle Hill High School. As part of this process, you will explore the five strategy components of a multipronged approach to be included in the plan. You will learn about each strategy and participate in related activities, for example:
  • Rewrite a punitive policy to make it supportive
  • Explore the norms in two contrasting classrooms
  • Practice selecting appropriate evidence-based programs and practices and school and community support services to address the identified issues in Castle Hill
Finally, you will learn to develop an action plan for one strategy and explore a menu of action plan examples of all strategy prongs. 
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You will learn key principles about making successful change, how adopters’ concerns evolve as they go through various stages of change, and how to apply this knowledge to implementing action plans and addressing potential challenges. You will also learn to use data to monitor the implementation of your action plan.