Team User's Guide

Team User's Guide ImageTeam User's Guide:

Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders

Because comprehensive Positive School Discipline is systemic, it requires a team approach to create meaningful and lasting change. We strongly recommend that schools and/or districts create teams to maximize the impact of the Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders, to spark creative ways of applying the framework and skills, and to provide opportunities for group reflection and planning.

Our Team User's Guide: Positive School Discipline Course for School Leaders  can guide school and district discipline-related teams through deeper exploration of the topics in the course and application to your own school and district.





Array of pages in Team User's GuideWhat's Included

The Team User's Guide offers readings and activities to enhance your group learning experience.  It also provides guidance on applying the module topics to your own school, including tools and templates that can be filled out and saved, examples of strategies and plans, and resources for further exploration.