PromotePrevent is proud to be part of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)—a leading global nonprofit organization established in 1958 that designs, delivers and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the world’s most urgent challenges in education, health, and economic development. We draw from EDC’s long history of expertise in learning and development—and our own passion—to promote safe and healthy schools and communities where children and youth can learn, play, and grow.
For 11 years, we supported nearly 300 communities who were awarded the federally funded Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) grant—an initiative that helps promote safe and healthy schools and communities. SS/HS has reached more than 3 million students.
Our work follows four guiding principles:
- The issues that children and youth face today are too complex for schools to effectively address on their own. Children and youth benefit when schools and communities work together as partners.
- Systemic change is the best route to connect schools and other youth-serving organizations to create positive and lasting impact.
- Collecting and using data to guide decision-making about program services and evidence-based programs is essential to effective program maintenance and long-term sustainability.
- Universal mental health promotion and prevention can support all students in achieving success in the classroom and in life.
SS/HS and Positive School Discipline
Our SS/HS grantees planned, implemented, and sustained initiatives that address the underlying issues that contribute to school failure, dropout, suspension, and expulsion. Their achievements in the area of Positive School Discipline—reduced office referrals, suspensions, and expulsions; increased attendance; and improved school climate—have provided valuable lessons in how to create supportive learning environments.
Both our Positive School Discipline approach, offered through this website, and our online course are based on this hands-on experience working in partnership with schools and communities. Our staff have documented the key components of these successful initiatives to create the Comprehensive Positive School Discipline Framework, a proven approach featured in our Positive School Discipline Course.
When schools use Positive School Discipline, the result is successful, healthy, and thriving students who contribute positively to their schools, families, and communities—a result well worth the effort.
To learn more, visit What Is Positive School Discipline?